20 December 2007

Crossfit day: legs, arms, and shoulders

Warmup: 10 minutes stationary bike, hill profile, level 8

4 rounds of the following, using 15 lb dumbbells:
25 reps squats with dumbbells
25 reps bent over rows with dumbbells
25 reps thrusters w/dumbbells (squat w/weights at sides, thrust over head while standing)
25 reps hammer curls w/dumbbells
25 reps push press w/dumbbells (slight bend in knees, weights at shoulder height, press overhead while straightening legs)

This kicked my butt today.

Goal: 6 rounds, 25 lbs

Still 192 lbs.

18 December 2007

Shoulder/back superset

4 Supersets of seated barbell military press (behind neck) and seated cable row, close grip

Weight: 135 for military press and 145 for rows

Set 1 reps: 20, 20
2: 15, 15
3: 12, 12
4: 8,8

14 December 2007

Short Chest day

4 sets barbell bench press: 10x225, 8x225, 8x225, 7x225 (to failure, no spot)

3 sets incline dumbbells: 9x75


Feeling mild thigh soreness from yesterday's workout, also left shin is mildly painful at break site.

13 December 2007

Run + Leg Supersets

Treadmill: 2 miles, 5.4 - 6.5 mph, hills

Stretch 10 min.

45° leg press: 3 sets, 25 reps, 250lb

Superset: seated leg curls (105lb) + seated leg extensions (150lb), 3 sets, 25 reps

weight: 192