13 February 2008

Cardio Legs Day

20 minutes stair climber, level 8 aerobic setting: 230 calories


2 superset rounds of:

45° leg press: 25 reps x 250lbs.
seated leg extension: 25 reps x 120lbs.
seated leg curls: 25 reps x 120lbs.
45° calf raises: 25 reps x 100lbs.


12 February 2008

Chest of Weakness

Flat Bench:

8 x 225
8 x 225
6 x 225

Incline dumbbell:
10 x 75
8 x 80
6 x 85

Seated press:
10 x 180
9 x 180
8 x 180

07 February 2008

Crossfit kicks my butt

4 rounds in 24 minutes, using (2) 15lb. dumbbells:

25 squats w/db
25 bent-over rows w/db
25 thrusters w/db
25 hammer curls w/db
25 push-presses w/db

Still 187.5 with a tubby midsection

06 February 2008

Wed. - Shoulders

4 sets military press:

10 x 135
10 x 155
6 x 175
10 x 135

3 supersets of:
10 lateral raises w/25 lb. dumbbells
10 front raises w/25 lb. dumbbells
10 shoulder shrugs w/75 lb. dumbbells

05 February 2008

Tuesday - Bike

45 minutes stationary bike, level 8 intervals

395 calories

16 miles

187 lbs

Monday Mix - Stairs, Pullups, Pushups

15 minutes stairclimber, level 8 aerobics, 175 calories

10 pullups
10 pushups
1 minute rest
10 pullups
30 pushups
2 minutes rest
10 pullups
50 pushups

01 February 2008

Plan B - Bike Day

Started out wanting to lift - chest and back - but back kink made that a no go. So.

30 minutes on stationary bike, level 8, intervals. 256 calories, 10+ miles

189 lbs.

31 January 2008

Cardio Legs Day

5 minute bike warmup

10 minute treadmill run, hills

3 rounds of the following supersets:

45° Leg Press: 25 x 275
Seated Leg Extensions: 25 x 120
Seated Leg Curls: 25 x 105

weight: 189

29 January 2008

Shoulders and arms

4 sets military press

10 x 135
10 x 155
6 x 175
10 x 135

3 sets tricep pressdowns

10 x 130
10 x 150
10 x 170

3 sets lying tricep extensions, superset with close-grip press: 10 x 85lbs.

4 sets dumbbell curls:

10 x 30
10 x 35
10 x 30
10 x 30

28 January 2008

Cardio day - bike, stairs, run

Stationary bike - 10 minutes, level 8 intervals

Stairs - 15 minutes @ some unknown level - 210 calories

Run - 20 minutes, 2 miles - 300 calories

185 lbs.

25 January 2008

Crossfit - legs, cardio

3 rounds of the following:

250 jumpropes
30 dumbbell kettle bell swings w/30lbs.
50 squats

I'm down to 187.5 lbs

Shoulders and arms

4 sets military press: 10 x 135, 10 x 155, 6 x 175, 10 x 135
3 sets lateral dumbbell raises: 10 x 30lbs.
3 sets front raises: 10 x 25

3 sets dumbbell curls: 10 x 30, 10 x 35, 10 x 30
3 sets tricep pressdowns: 20 x 130, 15 x 150, 10 x 170

23 January 2008

Short run

Stationary bike 10 minute warmup


Treadmill 2 miles, 6mph - 295 calories

22 January 2008

Chest, Back, Abs

3 sets flat bench, 225lbs: 10, 9, 7

3 sets incline dumbbell press: 10 x 75 lbs

3 sets pullups: 10, 9, 7

3 sets seated rows: 10 x 145

3 sets crunches: 100 reps

21 January 2008

Cardio Time

25 minutes stationary bike, level 9 hills, 230 calories, 9 miles


3 medicine ball rounds:

25 x throw overhead 3-4'
25 x squats
25 x pushups
25 x situps
25 x dips (no ball)

190 lbs.

17 January 2008

Short Chest day

3 sets bench: 10 x 225, 8 x 225, 5 x 225

3 sets seated press: 15 x 150, 15 x 165, 15 x 150

16 January 2008

Cardio day

Just the bike today - 30 minutes, level 8 intervals, 90+rpm, 9 miles, 225 calories

15 January 2008

Short Shoulder day

4 sets seated military press: 10 x 135, 10 x 155, 5 x 175, 10 x 135
4 sets lateral dumbbell raises, 10 reps/set, 30 lb
10 pullups

14 January 2008

Cardio day

Stationary bike: 20 minutes level 9 hills, 90rpm - 7.2 miles, 175 calories

Treadmill: 15 minutes @ 6mph - 1.5 miles, 220 calories

Situps: 3 sets of 40

10 January 2008

Legs might be sore tomorrow

20 minutes on SR bike, hill profile, level 8, 165 calories, 7.3 miles


Leg superset - 3 supersets of the following:

- 45 degree leg press: 25 x 250
- seated leg extension: (1)10 x 135, (2)20 x 105, (3)25 x 90
- seated leg curl: 25 x 105


09 January 2008


Bleh. 1st workout back after break...

3 sets flat bench w/225lbs.: 8, 7, 5

3 sets military press w/135 lbs.: 10, 10, 8

2 sets tricep pressdowns: 15 x 120, 10 x 150